**If Council Bluffs schools are closed due to bad weather, then both locations of Care and Share House are closed that day.

**Care and Share House is always in need of plastic grocery bags for our food pantries and the free stores. Please drop off plastic grocery bags at either location during our open hours.

**Care and Share House is in particular need of Hunt’s spaghetti sauce because it is not in a glass jar, canned dinners like Ravioli or Spaghettio’s, canned soup, Van Camp’s pork and beans, ramen noodles, crackers, cookies, spaghetti, and cereal at this time.

**Care and Share House is in particular need of men’s gently used clothing including sweatshirts, t-shirts, jeans, coats, socks, and shoes as well as all types of children’s clothing.  There is also always a need for household items including sheets, towels, kitchen items, and decorative items.

**Due to the variable schedules of our volunteers, Care and Share House is in need of new volunteers to help with a variety of tasks. Volunteers with basic computer skills are needed to welcome and complete intake procedures for clients. Volunteers are needed to sort and display clothing and items in the free stores, and volunteers are needed to fill pantries for clients as well. Please email if you are interested in becoming involved at Care and Share House.